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Halo Effect: What you think is an advantage may actually be a trap
Read More: Halo Effect: What you think is an advantage may actually be a trapFirst Encounter with the Halo Effect Once, I attended an industry seminar. The venue was packed, and everyone was looking forward to the sharing of an industry “guru”. When he stepped onto the stage, his sharp suit, confident smile, and well – organized speech instantly captured everyone’s attention. I was no exception. I wholeheartedly believed […]
Foot-in-the-Door Effect: Pushing too hard may backfire
Read More: Foot-in-the-Door Effect: Pushing too hard may backfireI. Introduction: Starting from Small Things in Life Have you ever had an experience like this? First, a friend asks to borrow a pen from you. A few days later, they ask you to bring them breakfast. Later, they even ask you to help them complete a relatively complex work task. At first, you might […]
Spotlight Effect: The focus you think you have is just an illusion
Read More: Spotlight Effect: The focus you think you have is just an illusionI. The “Spotlight” Illusion in Life Have you ever had experiences like these? After dressing up carefully and going out in new clothes, you always feel that pedestrians on the road are staring at you, secretly speculating about their evaluations in your heart. Or when speaking at a meeting, after a slip – of – […]
I finally understand why I keep repeating the same mistakes!
Read More: I finally understand why I keep repeating the same mistakes!I. Caught in the Vicious Cycle of Repeated Mistakes Recently, I found myself in a strange loop. I repeatedly modified and submitted a project plan at work three times, but each time it was rejected due to the same logical flaw. When it was pointed out for the first time, I was filled with self […]
The unnoticed Peggy Bridge Effect is surprisingly amazing!
Read More: The unnoticed Peggy Bridge Effect is surprisingly amazing!I. The Suspension Bridge Effect: The Surprising Link between Heart – pounding and Love Have you ever had experiences like this? Standing at the top of a towering roller – coaster, with the wind howling in your ears and your heart in your throat, as the roller – coaster plummets down, your heart beats as […]
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