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“I Love These Moments of Intimate Connection”
Read More: “I Love These Moments of Intimate Connection”The Diverse Motivations to Become a Psychotherapist Some time ago, we launched a call for contributions, aiming to understand the original intentions of people choosing to become psychotherapists. In the solicitation, we mentioned two types of original intentions for becoming a psychotherapist. One is to prevent others from experiencing the pain one has endured, and […]
Postpartum Depression: Real Voices from New Mothers
Read More: Postpartum Depression: Real Voices from New MothersThe Ignored Struggles A few days ago, the folks at the Content Lab had a free – flowing brainstorm. Some unmarried, childless 小伙伴,whose genders were often ambiguous, started chatting about the depression situation among new mothers. We recalled a scene from Homeland where Carrie almost drowned her baby after giving birth. People usually prefer to see happy, […]
This is the Wildest Growth Journey I Can Imagine
Read More: This is the Wildest Growth Journey I Can ImagineThe Beginning of the Journey I’d like to share a 1991 movie, Thelma & Louise, with you. In it, I saw a super – young Brad Pitt, so handsome that I watched it eight times repeatedly (oops, wrong focus). People say this film is a promotional video of the American West scenery and the pinnacle of […]
Transcending the Belief of Your Own Life – A Psychoanalytical Review of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk
Read More: Transcending the Belief of Your Own Life – A Psychoanalytical Review of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime WalkA Story of a Nineteen – year – old Boy Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk is a film without extreme ups and downs yet full of conflicts. It can be presented without scruples. Perhaps Ang Lee once again wants to use his camera to fully interpret what “truth” means as completely as possible. This is a […]
Should the Effectiveness of Psychological Counseling be Quantitatively Evaluated?
Read More: Should the Effectiveness of Psychological Counseling be Quantitatively Evaluated?A Visitor’s Death Psychotherapists often say that psychological counseling is both a science and an art. Its art lies in the dance of the relationship between people in the counseling process: the client learns to accept themselves under the full attention of the counselor, and the counselor experiences their own growth while accompanying the client’s […]
Do I Always Encounter Rude People?
Read More: Do I Always Encounter Rude People?What are the “jerk” behaviors in life? In life, there are always people who do some “jerk” things. For example, when someone is running towards the elevator, they promptly press the close button. In a crowded subway, they occupy two seats by themselves. They shout at the waiters in a restaurant. There are roommates who […]
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